11 results (show 20 | 50 | 100 results per page)
Pipeline - Equipment Supply & Rental
Supply or rental of equipment or machines used for welding, preparing, bending, jointing, and joining pipeline pipe.
14-510 - 715-5th Ave SW
Calgary, AB T2P 2X6
Vauxhall Industrial Welding & Machining
520 1 Ave N
Vauxhall, AB T0K 2K0
Main: (403) 654-2777
Garneau Industries Ltd
401 18 Ave
Nisku, AB T9E 7T5
Main: (780) 955-2396
International Pipeline Equipment Company Ltd
Edmonton, AB T6T 1N1
Main: (780) 413-1886
Justram Equipment Inc
10, 6 Vata Ct
Aurora, ON L4G 4B6
Main: (905) 727-2763